• 1033 E. 3rd St. Corona, CA 92879
  • (951) 735-1351
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Why Summer is a Popular Time to Purchase New Hoses

Why Summer is a Popular Time to Purchase New Hoses

As the sun shines brighter and temperatures soar, summertime becomes synonymous with outdoor activities and backyard adventures. One indispensable tool that finds its way into countless households during this season is the humble hose. While its primary purpose is watering plants, hoses are also a gateway to endless fun, especially for families with little kids.

Watering Plants

With warmer weather and increased sunlight, plants require extra care and hydration during the summer months. A new hose becomes a gardener’s best friend, providing an efficient and convenient method for watering flower beds, vegetable patches, and lawns. Whether it’s connecting a sprinkler for even distribution or using a handheld nozzle for precision, a high-quality hose ensures that plants receive the necessary nourishment to thrive amidst the scorching heat.

Backyard Water Play

One of the greatest delights of summer is the opportunity to create lasting memories with loved ones, especially when little ones are involved. A new hose opens up a world of exciting possibilities in the backyard. Transforming into a temporary water park, it becomes a source of endless amusement for children and adults alike.

Kids can run and jump through sprinklers, giggling as they escape bursts of cool water on hot afternoons. The hose can also be attached to a slip ‘n slide, turning an ordinary slide into an exhilarating water adventure. Fill up inflatable pools, water tables, or even set up a DIY water obstacle course using buckets, sponges, and spray attachments. These activities not only provide respite from the heat but also promote active play, coordination, and imaginative fun.

Hose Selection

When purchasing a new hose, it’s essential to consider safety and durability. Opt for hoses made from non-toxic materials that are lead-free and resistant to kinks, leaks, and cracks. Choose a length that suits your backyard’s size, ensuring optimal coverage without unnecessary tangles. Look for hoses with adjustable nozzles to cater to different watering needs and playful water play activities.

We Are Here to Help

As summer approaches, it’s time to embrace the potential of a new hose. From nurturing your garden to creating unforgettable moments for your children, this versatile tool plays a crucial role in enjoying the season to the fullest. Operating out a 24,000 square foot facility Corona, California, ASJ Industrial Hose and Fitting is an established family business ready to service all your hose needs. Learn more about what we offer and place an order today: (951) 735-1351.


ASJ Industrial Hose & Fittings Located at
1033 E. 3rd St., Corona, CA.
ASJ Industrial Hose & Fittings Logo Phone: (951) 735-1351